Bihar board English model paper set 2 class 12 : प्रत्येक वर्ष बिहार बोर्ड अपना नया मॉडल पेपर जारी करता है जिस से हमें परीक्षा की पूरी पैटर्न की जानकारी मिल जाती है और साथ ही उन मॉडल पेपर से बहुत सरे प्रश्न परीक्षा में पूछ लिया जाता है। इस से हमें यह पता चल जाता है की मॉडल पेपर हमारे लिए कितना जरुरी है तो इस लिए हम इस इस पोस्ट में बिहार बोर्ड अंग्रेजी का मॉडल सेट 2 को हल करेंगे जिसमे 100 ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रश्न रहेगा|

Bihar board English model paper class 12 Set – 2
MODEL SET – 2 | ||
TIME :- 3 HOURS 15 minutes | FULL MARK – 100 | |
समय :- 3 घंटे 15 मिनट | English (अंग्रेजी) | पूर्णांक – 100 |
निर्देश : प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 100 तक प्रत्येक प्रश्न के चार विकल्प दिये गये हैं , जिनमें से एक सही है | आपको किन्हीं 50 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने हैं | अपने द्वारा चुने गये सही विकल्प को ओ० एम० आर० शीट पर चिन्हित करें |
- Rita did not clean the room. (Choose the suitable passive voice)
(A) Rita not cleaning the room
(B) The room has not been cleaned by Rita
(C) The room was not cleaned by Rita
(D) Room-cleaning is not done by Rita
2.Ram is singing a bhajan. (Choose the best Passive voice)
(A) A bhajan singing by Ram.
(B) Ram is sang bhajan.
(C) A bhajan is sung by Ram.
(D) A bhajan is being sing by Ram.
Ans. C
- A man drives the car. (Choose the best Passive voice)
(A) The car is driven by a man.
(B) The car was driven by a man.
(C) The car will be driven by a man.
(D) The car may be driven by a man.
4.We saw him cross the river. (Choose the best Passive voice)
(A) He was seen cross the river by us.
(B) He were seen crossing the river by we.
(C) He had been seen cross the river by us.
(D) He was been seen cross the river.
- The van is being driven by Rahman. (Choose the best Active voice)
(A) Van is driven by Rahman.
(B) Rahman is driving the car.
(C) Drive the car is Rahman.
(D) Rahman driven the car.
- It is known to you. (Choose the best Active voice)
(A) You are know it.
(B) You are known it.
(C) You know it.
(D) Do you know it.
- My brother …………. yet. (Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) isn’t coming
(B) hasn’t come
(C) hadn’t come
(D) was n’t come
- Sita ……….. to the picture on Sundays.
(Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) goes
(B) go
(C) went
(D) has gone
- The patient ……….. before the nurse came.
(Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) collapsed
(B) collapses
(C) will collapse
(D) may collapse
10.I……….. interested in metaphysics. (Choose the correct tense forms) (A) am always
(B) have always been
(C) had always been
(D) will always been
- As soon as the teacher … the students will stand up.
(Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) comes
(B) come came
(D) has come
12…………. he live long! (Choose the correct auxiliary verb)
(A) May
(B) Should
(C) Will
(D) Can
- My cousin …… swim when he was six years old.
(Choose the correct auxiliary verb)
(A) could
(B) can
(C) may
(D) should
- When I was young, 1…… read without glasses.
(Choose the correct auxiliary verb)
(A) inust
(B) shall
(C) could
(D) might .
- We ……. .. duly fill our applications.
(Choose the correct auxiliary verb) should
(A) shuold
(B) shall
(C) can
(D) could
- …… I go out, Sir? (Choose the correct auxiliary verb).
(A) May
(B) Need
(C) Do
(D) None of these
17.He climbed up a tree. He had seen a wolf.
(Choose the suitable combination)
(A) He saw a wolf and climbing the tree.
(B) Seeing a wolf, he climb the tree.
(C) Climbing the tree, he saw a wolf.
(D) Having seen a wolf, he climbed a tree.
18.. Mohit is ill. He is working hard. (Choose the suitable combination)
(A) Mohit is ill and working hard.
(B) Ill is Mohit but working hard.
(C) Mohit is ill yet he is working hard.
(D) Working hard is Mohit and he is ill.
- Kiran could not come. She was tired.
(Choose the suitable combination)
(A) Kiran could not come and she was tired.
(B) Come could not Kiran as she was tired.
(C) Kiran not coming as she is tired.
(D) Kiran could not come because she was tired.
- Ram came yesterday. He was a scientist and teacher.
(Choose the suitable combination)
(A) Ram a scientist and teacher, came yesterday.
(B) Ram who was a scientist and teacher came yesterday.
(C) Ram was a scientist and teacher and came yesterday.
(D) Ram was a scientist and teacher who came yesterday.
21.The poor alone deserves help.
(Choose the suitable negative sentence)
(A) None but the poor deserves help.
(B) The poor help deserves none.
(C) Help deserves the poor but none.
(D) None help the poor deserves.
22.Always speak the truth. (Choose the suitable negative sentence)
(A) Always don’t speak the truth.
(B) Never speak the truth.
(C) Never tell a lie.
(D) None came in contect with truth.
23.Can a man live for ever? (Choose the suitable negative sentence)
(A) A man can’t live for ever.
(B) Can a man not live for ever?
(C) A man can live for ever.
(D) A man life for ever.
- Can it be true? (Choose the suitable negative sentence)
(A) It can’t be true.
(B) Can it not be true?
(C) Can’t it be true?
(D) It could be true.
- This is a kilo ………… rice for you.
(Choose the correct preposition)
(A) of
(B) for
(C) at
(D) on
- We should be kind …… animals.
(Choose the suitable prepositions)
(A) by
(B) through
(C) at
(D) to
- I will wait. ………… he returns. (Choose the suitable prepositions)
(A) until
(B) for
(C) at
(D) from
- The sword is hanging …… my head.
(Choose the suitable prepositions)
(A) over
(B) on
(C) of
(D) for
- He died ……….. his society. (Choose the suitable prepositions)
(A) at
(B) of
(C) for
(D) from
- The work was done …… haste. (Choose the suitable prepositions) (A) in
(B) at
(C) with
(D) upon
31.Choose the correct sentences ::
(A) Bread and butter are my breakfast.
(B) Breakfast is my bread and butter.
(C) Bread and butter is my breakfast.
(D) My breakfast bread and butter is.
32.Choose the correct sentences :
(A) This boys will play cricket.
(B) That boys playing cricket are.
(C) These boys will play cricket.
(D) Cricket plays by boys are they.
- Choose the correct sentences :
(A) How many people are there in your family?
(B) How many families do you have ?
(C) How big your family?
(D) How big have your family?
34.Choose the correct sentences :
(A) That was sure of mistake.
(B) This was a sure of mistake.
(C) That may be sure a mistake.
(D) That was surely a mistake.
35.He plays …………. table. (Choose the best Articles)
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these
- There is ……… garden behind the house. (Choose the best Articles) (A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these
- He plays…………… tennis well. (Choose the best Articles)
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these
38.My brother is . SI of police. (Choose the best Articles)
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these
- He sent ……….. SOS. (Choose the best Articles)
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these
- ……….. like listening classical music. .
(Choose the best option)
(A) do not
(B) have not
(C) does not
(D) has not
- He is …………. of me. (Choose the suitable option)
(A) zealous
(B) jealous
(C) puzzled
(D) confused
- Choose the correct spelling :
(A) queik
(B) quiek
(C) quick
(D) queck
- Choose the correct spelling:
(A) Votaries
(B) votries
(C) voteries
(D) vottaries
- Choose the correct spelling:
(A) Ocupation
(B) occupetion
(C) occupation
(D) ocupation
- Choose the correct spelling:
(A) campaigner
(B) campainer
(C) campaenor
(D) campenair
- Someone …… given me the message.
(Choose the most correct options)
(A) has
(B) have
(C) will
(D) were
- Milk and fruits …… good for health.
(Choose the most correct options)
(A) is
(B) has
(C) are
(D) have
- Each boy and each girl …… a separate room.
(Choose the most correct options)
(A) has
(B) have
(C)’ is
(D) are
- The origin of these manners and customs …… unknown.
(Choose the most correct options)
(A) are
(B) is
(C) has
(D) have

- Her handwork and dedication ………… paid off.
(Choose the most correct options)
(A) has
(B) have
(C) is
(D) are
- The teacher says, “Rose smells sweet.”
(Choose the correct indirect narration)
(A) The teacher says that rose smells sweet.
(B) The teacher says that rose smelled sweet.
(C) The teacher said roses smell sweet.
(D) Roses smell sweet is said by the teacher.
- Sameer said, “You are telling the truth.”
(Choose the correct Indirect Narration)
(A) Sameer says that I am telling the truth.
(B) Sameer said that I told the truth.
(C) Tell truth I said Sameer.
(D) Sameer told that I told the truth.
- “Shall I open the door?” Harish asked.
(Choose the correct Indirect Narration)
(A) Harish says to open the door.
(B) Open the door says Harish.
(C) Harish commanded open the door.
(D) Harish asked if he should open the door.
- He said, “I have got a toothache.”
(Choose the correct Indirect Narration)
(A) He said he have a toothache.
(B) He said that he had got a toothache.
(C) He says he has got a toothache.
(D) He said that he got a toothache.
- Sheela said that Reeta kept her waiting.
(Choose the correct Direct Narration)
(A) Sheela said, “Reeta kept me waiting.”
(B) Sheela asked, “Reeta kept me waiting.”
(C) Sheela enquired, “Reeta kept me waiting.”
(D) Sheela wept, “Reeta kept me waiting.”
- He exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.
(Choose the correct Direct Narration)
(A) He said, “Well, I am ruined !”
(B) He said, “Alas, I am ruined!”
(C) He said, “Alas, I was ruined !”
(D) He said, “Alas, I have been ruined.”
- You are ………. the poor.(Choose the correct verb form)
(A) will help
(B) help
(C) helping
(D) had helped.
- Choose the correct sentence :
(A) He is the honoured man
(B) He is a honoured man
(C) He is a honourable man
(D) He is an honourable man.
- He spoke ………. (Choose the correct option)
(A) with a loud voice
(B) at a loud voice
(C) in a loud voice
(D) to a loud voice
60.Of all the students in the class, Ram is surely (Choose the best option)
(A) the more intelligent
(B) the most intelligent
(C) the intelligent more ;
(D) more the intelligent
61.The sentence, ‘The distinguishing characteristic of modern
civilization is our indefinite multiplicity of wants’ is form.
(A) Indian Civilization and Culture
(B) I Have a Dream
(C) A child is Born
(D) The Earth
- Gandhiji went to Champaran in ..
(A) 1917
(B) 1916
(C) 1918
(D) 1915
- Who was overwhelmed by the trust his people have placed in him?
(A) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(B) M. Gandhi
(C) Bertrand Russel Fa
(D) Shiga Naoya
- Dr. Zakir Hussain was a great …
(A) politician
(B) leader nationalist
(C) nationalist
(D) thinker
- When Nanukaka is unable to express in English or Hindi, he starts
speaking in ……..
(A) Gujarati
(B) Bengali
(C) Punjabi
(D) Marathi
- The ‘bark of justice’ is ….
(A) bankrupt
(B) highway
(C) staggered
(D) struggled :
- Nineteen ………. is not an end, but a beginning.
(A) sixty three
(B) sixty two
(C) sixty one
(D) sixty
- What was more important than the domestication of animals?
(A) Agriculture
(B) Machinery
(C) Fire
(D) Vehicles
- Who wrote, ‘why I am not a Christian ?
(A) Shiga Naoya
(B) Bertrand Russell
(C) M. Gandhi
(D) H.E.Bates
- The old woman asked …………. son for the gourd.
(A) ten
(B) five
(C) fifteen
(D) 12 (twelve)
71.Seibei was a twelve years, ….. boy
(A) Indian
(B) Chinese
(C) Korean
(D) Japanese
- ……. woman visit her mother’s house during pregnancy.
(A) An Indian
(B) A Sylheti
(C) An African
(D) A Canadian
73.Who was an essayist, playwright, poet ?
(A) Shiga Naoya
(B) Dorothy L Sayers
(C) HE Bates
(D) Anton Chekhov
- Dorothy L. Sayers is ………..
(A) a novelist
(B) an essayist
(C) an doctor
(D) a singer
- Benjy asked his parents to eat in the …..
(A) bathroom
(B) verandah
(C) kitchen
(D) drawing room
- The bank will give interest on it and then one day, when you
(Benjy) are …..
(A) 20
(B) 21
(C) 19
(D) 22
77.According to Pearl S. Buck the main quality of a leader is .
(A) selflessness
(B) selfishness
(C) communalism
(D) dishonesty
- Pearl S. Buck came to know about India through .
(A) Buddhism
(B) Hinduism
(C) Islam
(D) Christianity
- Lomov is …… years old.
(A) 30
(B) 32
(C) 35
(D) 36
- Choobookov is a ………
(A) farmer
(B) doctor
(C) landowner
(D) teacher
- John Donne is going to …… leaving his wife behind.
(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) England
(D) Italy
- Who says, “Every atom of blood is the same in all human beings”?
(A) Rupert Brooke
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) T.S. Eliot
(D) None of these
- ‘Starving through the leafless wood’ is from:
(A) Snake
(B) The Soldier
(C) Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast
(D) An Epitaph .
84.Johan keats belonged to ………..
(A) Britain
(B) Ireland
(C) Iceland
(D) Germany
85.And gathering swallows twitter in the skies’ is taken from
(A) Snake
(B) The soldier
(C). Ode to Autumn
(D) An Epitaph
- Walter de la Mare knew a …… who is now dead.
(A) lady
(B) girl
(C) boy
(D) lord
- Who has made An Epitaph for the beautiful lady?
(A) John Donne
(B) Walter de la Mare
(C) DH Lawrence
(D) None of these
- How many times does the poet use the word ‘England’?
(A) 9
(B) 7
(C) 6
(D) 5
89.A sonnet is a poem of …….. lines.
(A) 16
(B) 14
(C) 18
(D) 20
90.. Macavity is called
(A) the Hidden Paw
(B) the Exposed paw
(C) the Naughty Paw
(D) the Mysterious Paw
- Macavity is a ..
(A) dog
(B) lion
(C) cat
(D) rat
- Consigning his new born son to flames took place …… years ago. (A) 15
(B) 16
(C) 20
(D) 18
- A snake appears on a trough of the …… to sip water.
(A) teacher
(B) doctor
(C) lawyer
(D) poet
- Kamala Das remembers the happy days spent in the sweet company
of her ……
(A) mother
(B) father
(C) grandmother
(D) grandfather
- The poetess in the Grandmother’s House ‘begs at …….. doors.
(A) friend’s
(B) family’s
(C) stranger’s
(D) enemy’s
- Which language has become a passport to jobs in India and abroad? (A) French
(B) Chinese
(C) German
(D) English
- Manohar Malgaonkar belonged to ………….
(A) India
(B) Britain
(C) China
(D) Bhutan
- In which century did the Indian English poetry begin to be written? (A) 18th century
(B) 19th century
(C) 20th century
(D) 17th century
- Which language is the second language of India?
(A) English
(B) Hindi
(C) Sanskrit
(D) Bhojpuri
- The new variety of English that developed in America is called
(A) British English
(B) American English
(C) Indian English
(D) Russian English
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Bihar board English model paper 2022, class 12th English model paper 2022, Bihar board 12th English simple model paper 2022, inter English model paper 2022, 12th class English model set 2022 full solution, model paper class 12 English solution in English, Bihar board class 12th English objective model question.