12th English model set – 8 | Bihar board English model paper class 12

12th English Model paper
English model paper : below we are going to update English model paper 8 class 12 Bihar board with solution. you can download 12th English simple paper 8 in free of cost.

Bihar board English model paper set 8  class 12 : प्रत्येक वर्ष बिहार बोर्ड अपना नया मॉडल पेपर जारी करता है जिस से हमें परीक्षा की पूरी पैटर्न की जानकारी मिल जाती है और साथ ही उन मॉडल पेपर से बहुत सरे प्रश्न परीक्षा में पूछ लिया जाता है।  इस से हमें यह पता चल जाता है की मॉडल पेपर हमारे लिए कितना जरुरी है तो इस लिए हम इस इस पोस्ट में बिहार बोर्ड अंग्रेजी का मॉडल सेट 8 को हल करेंगे जिसमे 100 ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रश्न रहेगा|

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Bihar board English model paper class 12 Set – 8

  MODEL SET  – 8  
TIME :- 3 HOURS 15 minutes    FULL MARK – 100
समय :- 3 घंटे 15 मिनट English  (अंग्रेजी)  पूर्णांक – 100

निर्देश : प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 100 तक प्रत्येक प्रश्न के चार विकल्प दिये गये हैं , जिनमें से एक सही है | आपको किन्हीं 50 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने हैं | अपने द्वारा चुने गये सही विकल्प को ओ० एम० आर० शीट पर चिन्हित करें | 

  1. Let a doctor be sent for.

(Choose the active voice)

(A) Sending for a doctor

(B) Doctor be sending for

(C) Send for a doctor

(D) Doctor may be sent


  1. I play cricket.

(Choose the best passive voice)

 (A) Cricket is played by me.

(B) Playing cricket is me.

(C) Played by me is cricket.

(D) Cricket is playing by me.


  1. Why do you tell a lie ? (Choose the best passive voice)

(A) Why a lie is told by you?

(B) Why is a lie be told by you?

(C) Why is a lie told by you?

(D) Why is a lie being told by you?


  1. He had written a letter. (Choose the best passive voice)

(A) A letter had been written by her.

(B) A letter was written by him.

(C) A letter is wrote by him.

(D) None of these


  1. I know you. (Choose the best passive voice)

(A) You are known by one.

(B) You are known to me.

(C) You were known by me.

(D) Are you known to me?


  1. Grandparents should be respected by us.

(Choose the best active voice)

(A) Grandparents must respect us.

(B) Grandparents we respect must.

(C) Must respect we our grandparents.

(D) We must respect our grandparents.


  1. Who …… the Law of Gravitation? (Choose the correct tense)

(A) will discover

(B) discovered

(C) may discover

(D) has discover


  1. The train had left before I ……… the station.

(Choose the correct tense)

(A) reach

(B) reached

(C) reaches

(D) will reach


  1. She was ……… by a snake. (Choose the correct tense)

(A) bit

(B) have bit

(C) has bit

(D) bitten


  1. ………….. here since morning. (Choose the correct tense)

(A) am waiting

(B) have been waiting

(C) had been waiting

(D) will be waiting .


  1. Unless she ………. she will not pass. (Choose the correct tense)

(A) read

(B) reed

(C) reads

(D) has read


  1. Birds can fly but cows …….(Choose the correct auxiliary verbs)

(A) shouldn’t

(B) couldn’t

(C) musn’t

(D) can’t


  1. It ………. rain tonight (Prediction).

(Choose the correct auxiliary verbs)

(A) shall

(B) will

(C) may

(D) might


  1. You ……….. to do your duty.(Choose the correct auxiliary verbs)

(A) ought

(B) should

(C) would

(D) could


  1. She ……….. do this work. (Choose the correct auxiliary verbs)

(A) must

(B) can

 (C) could

(D) will


16.He ……… meal when the phone rang.

(Choose the correct auxiliary verbs)

(A) have

(B) was taking

(C) having

(D) did having


17………you stand on your head? (Choose the correct auxiliary verbs)

(A) Need

(B) May

(C) Can

(D) Shall


  1. He said something. I did not hear it. (Choose the correct combination)

(A) I said something which he did not hear

(B) He did not hear what I said

(C) I did not hear what he said

(D) I did hear what he said


  1. Run Fast. You will be late. (Choose the suitable combinations)

(A) Run fast, else you will be late.

(B) Run fast and you will be late.

(C) Running fast or you will be late.

(D) Run fastly or you will be late.


20.” Sumit is going to Bangalore. He will study there.

(Choose the suitable combinations)

(A) Bangalore going is Sumit to study.

(B) Study in Bangalore is Sumit going.

(C) Going to study in Bangalore is Sumit.

(D) Sumit is going to Bangalore to study.


  1. The house caught fire, All the furniture was burnt.

(Choose the suitable combinations)

(A) The house caught fire and all the furniture was burnt.

(B) The house having caught fire, all the furniture was burnt.

(C) All the furniture was burnt when the house caught fire.

 (D) As the furniture burnt, the house caught fire.


  1. He abstains from wine. (Choose the suitable negative sentences)

(A) Wine not take he.

(B) He does not take wine.

(C) Taking wine not him.

(D) Wine not taking by him.


  1. I saw the Red Fort. (Choose the suitable negative sentences)

(A) I did not fail to see the Red fort.

(B) I didn’t see the Red fort.

(C) I had not seen the Red fort.

(D) I didn’t try to see the Red fort.


  1. Everyone would run from a lion.

(Choose the suitable negative sentences)

(A) Everyone would not run from a lion.

(B) Who would not run from a lion?

(C) Everyone will not run from a lion.

(D) Who does not it run from a lion.


  1. Shall I ever forget those happy days?

(Choose the suitable negative sentences)

(A) I shall not forget those happy days.

(B) Shall I not ever forget those happy days.

(C) I shall never forget those happy days.

(D) I shall ever forget those happy days.


  1. Are you aware ……… the danger ?

(Choose the correct preposition)

 (A) at

(B) by

(D) on


  1. Komal was looking …… the new dress.(Choose the suitable


 (A) at .

(B) by

(C) in

(D) on


28.My house is …… the river. (Choose the suitable Prepositions)

(A) on

(B) in

(C) across

(D) above


29.I live…… London. (Choose the suitable Prepositions)

(A) in

(B) at

(C) of

(D) from


30.He will come……….. 7 O’clock. (Choose the suitable Prepositions)

 (A) by

(B) in

(C) from

(D) of


31.Her employer always finds fault ………. her.

(Choose the suitable Prepositions)

(A) by

(B) in

(C) at

(D) to


32.Choose the correct sentence

(A) The clock has struck seven.

(B) The clock has struck seven hours.

(C) The clock strike seven.

(D) Struck seven by the clock.


33.Choose the correct sentence

(A) I have a cat and the cat is black.

(B) I have a cat and a cat is black.

(C) That cat is black is my.

(D) Black is cat is mine.


34.Choose the correct sentence

(A) I have a homework to do.

(B) I have homework to do.

(C) I will have homework to do.

(D) I having homework to do.


35.Choose the correct sentence.

(A) She lives to an apartment.

(B) She lives in an apartment.

(C) She lives of an apartment.

(D) She lives on an apartment.


36.Copper is …… useful metal. (Choose the best article)

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these


37.This is ……… one-act play. (Choose the best article)

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these


38.She is ………… most beautiful girl. (Choose the best article)

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these


39.Mt. Everest is …………. highest mountain.(Choose the best article)

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these


40.I have …… one rupee note. (Choose the best article)

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) None of these


41.Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Heratage

(B) Heretage

(C) Heiretage

(D) Heritage


42.Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) remembrance

(B) remimberence

(C) rimimbirance

(D) remmebreance


43.Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) plastic

(B) plestik

(C) plestic

(D) plistak


  1. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) harinoney

(B) harmony

(C) harmenoy

(D) harmonye


  1. Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) mustach

(B) moustache

(C) mostache

(D) mestache


46.A place for luggage at a railway station is called (Choose the best option)

(A) Compartment

(B) Waiting room

(C) Cloak room

(D) Platform


  1. He has read ………… Vedas.

(Choose the correct option)

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) no article


  1. My scissors ……not very useful. (Choose the most correct option)

(A) is

(B) are

(C) has

(D) have


  1. The jury …… divided in their opinions.

(Choose the most correct option)

(A) was

(B) were

(C) has

(D) have


50.The great scholar and poet …… died.

(Choose the most correct option)

(A) have

(B) has

(C) is

(D) are


51.This book has …… me two rupees.

(Choose the most correct option)

 (A) costs

(B) cost

(C) will cost

(D) may cost


52.The secretary and headmaster ………. in the school.

(Choose the most correct option)

(A) is

(B) are

(C) has

(D) have


53.She hurt ……

(Choose the correct option)

 (A) yourself

(B) herself

(C) itself

(D) himself


54.They were ……….. a noise. (Choose the correct option)

(A) made

(B) making

(C) make

(D) to making


55.”Hurry up,” he said to his servant.

(Choose the correct indirect speech)

(A) He ordered his servant to hurry up.

(B) He ask his servant to hurry up.

(C) He requested his servant to hurry.

(D) He says to his servant to hurry.


  1. Mohan said to Geeta, “You can refer to an encyclopaedia.”

(Choose the correct indirect speech)

(A) Mohan told Geeta that she could refer to an encyclopaedia.

(B) Mohan said Geeta that he could refer to an encyclopaedia.

(C) Mohan told Geeta that she can refer to an encyclopaedia.

(D) Mohan told Geeta she could refer to an encyclopaedia.


57, Ravi said to Pooja, “I can solve this question in five minutes.”

(Choose the correct indirect speech)

 (A) Ravi told Pooja that he can solve that question in five minutes.

(B) Ravi told Pooja that she could solve this question in five Minutes.

(C) Ravi told Pooja that he could solve that question in five minutes.

(D) Ravi said Pooja that he could solve this question in five minutes.


58.My mother requested me to bring her a glass of milk.

(A) “Bring me a glass of milk,” said my mother.

(B) “Bring me a glass of milk,” asked my mother.

(C) “A glass of milk bring,” said my mother.

(D) “Glass of milk bring please,” said my mother.


59.The player exclaimed with sorrow that they had failed to score a goal. (Choose the correct direct speech)

(A) The player said, “Alas! I failed to score a goal.”

(B) The player said, “Hurrah! I failed to score a goal.”

(C) The player said, “Alas! I fail to score a goal.”

(D) The player said, “Well! I failed to score a goal.”


  1. He requested me to check my seat number.

(Choose the correct direct speech)

(A) He said to me Please check your seat number.”

(B) He said “Check your seat number.”

(C) He said to him, “Please check your seat number.”

(D) He says, “Please check your seat number.


  1. European civilization will mean ………. for India.

(A) want

(B) living

(C) real

(D) ruin


  1. …… was a spiritual leader than a politician.

(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru

(B) Sardar Patel

(C) S.C. Bose

(D) Mahatma Gandhi


  1. Dr. Zakir Hussain delivered his speech in ……

(A) 1966

(B) 1965

(C) 1967

(D) 1968


  1. Who has taken the oath of loyalty to the constitution of India?

(A) Shiga Naoya

(B) M. Gandhi

(C) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(D) Bertrand Russel


65.The narrator of the story ‘A Pinch of Snuff was a/an …….. on probation.

(A) commissioner

(B) under secretary

(C) minister

(D) receptionist


66.Martin Luther King Jr. dislikes ……… discrimination.

(A) caste

(B) sex

(C) religion

(D) racial


  1. Who got Nobel Prize in literature in 1950 ?

(A) Bertrand Russell

(B) M. Gandhi

(C) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(D) H.E. Bates


68.The curio-dealer sold the gourd to a wealthy collector for …… yen.

(A) 500

(B) 600

(C) 1000

(D) 100


  1. Seibei was a …… Japanese boy.

(A) ten years old

(B) eleven years old

(C) tweleve years old

(D) thirteen years old


70.Germaine Greer is an …… writer.

(A) Australian

(B) Indian

(C) British

(D) American


  1. ……………. is an extract from Sex and Destiny : The Politics of

Human Fertility.

(A) A child is Born

(B) The Artist

(C) A Pinch of Snuff

(D) The Earth


  1. Proprietor of the newspaper has

(A) interest of the people

(B) national interest

(C) social interest .

(D) personal interest


  1. Benjy’s parents are known as the …

(A) Jhonsons

(B) Jacksons

(C) Smiths

(D) Leohorns


  1. Benjy was the son of ……….

 (A) Robinsons

(B) Stevensons

(C) Rocksons

(D) Johnsons


  1. India Through a Traveller’s Eye is written by ……

(A) Pearl S Buck

(B) Anton P Chekhov

(C) HE Bates

(D) Shiga Naoya


76.The life span in India was only ……

(A) 25 yrs.

(B) 27 yrs.

(C) 28 yrs.

(D) 29 yrs.


  1. …… is the daughter of Choobookov.

(A) Matalia

(B) Natalia

(C) Ratalia

(D) Satalia


  1. Anton Chekov began his career by writing …

(A) drama

(B) poetry

(C) comic sketches

(D) novels


  1. ‘I knew how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act’ – is from:

(A) Ode to Autumn

(B) My Grandmother’s House

(C) Snake

(D) The Soldier


  1. The poet had gone to the water trough to drink ……

 (A) water

(B) tea

(C) coffee

(D) cigarette


81.”The Old Playhouse and other Poems’ are written by

(A) Sarojini Naidu

(B) Mamta Kalia

(C) Mahadevi Verma

(D) Kamala Das


83.Kamala Das is an …… poetess.

(A) American

(B) African

(C) Indian

(D) Nigerian


  1. The year AD 1066 is taken to be the end of the ……… period.

(A) Middle English

(B) Old English

(C) Modern English

(D) None of these


  1. Which language functions as a link language between to south and

north India?

(A) Hindi

(B) Tamil

(C) Martha

(D) English


  1. What is the period of the Middle English Period in the history of

English ?

(A) 1100 AD to 1450 AD

(B) 1150 AD to 1500 AD

(C) 1650 AD to 2000 AD

(D) 1000 AD to 1350 AD


  1. Which period’s known as the childhood period of the English


(A) Old English period

(B) Middle English period

(C) Modern English period

(D) None of these


87.The name ‘Augustan’ was given to the early …….. century.

(A) 17th

(B) 18th

(C) 19th

(D) 20th


  1. ‘Leaves of Grass’ was published in:

(A) 1892

(B) 1855

(C) 1860

(D) 1872


  1. Walt whitman belonged to …

(A) Britain

(B) The USA

(C) Germany

(D) Ireland


90.Now The Leaves Are Falling is written by ….

(A) John Keats

(B) WH Auden

(C) Rupert Brooke

 (D) John Donne


  1. Autumn is a season of ……..

(A) no leaves

(B) fruitfulness

(C) no fire

(D) no rain


92.To Autumn is written by ……

(A) John Keats

(B) Walter de la Mare

(C) John Donne

(D) Keki N Daruwala


  1. ‘However, rare-rare it be’ – is from:

(A) Ode to Autumn

(B) Snake

(C) An Epitaph

(D) Song of Myself


94.’When I crumble, who will remember’ is from ..

(A) An Epitaph

(B) To Autumn

(C) Snake

(D) Fire-Hymn


  1. The Soldier is written by ……

(A) Rupert Brooke

(B) Kamala Das

(C) W. H. Auden

 (D) John Donne


  1. His brow is deeply lined with thoughts’, is from:

(A) Macavity: the Mystery Cat

(C) The Soldier

(B) MY Grandmother’s House

(D) Snake


  1. Macavity The Mystery Cat is written by ……

(A) Rupert Brooke

(B) TS Eliot

(C) Kamala Das

(D) John Donne



98…… lears to save fire from the sin of forgetfulness.

 (A) Keki N Daruwalla

(B) Kamala Das

(C), W. B Yeats

(D) John Keats


  1. A Pinch of Snuff is written by ……

(A) Manohar Malgaonkar

(B) Germaine Greer

(C) Dorothy L Sayers

(D) HE Bates


  1. Nobel Prize for Peace was given to MLK Jr. in ……

(A) 1964

(B) 1965

(C) 1963

(D) 1966


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Bihar board English model paper 2022, class 12th English model paper 2022, Bihar board 12th English simple model paper 2022, inter English model paper 2022, 12th class English model set 2022 full solution, model paper class 12 English solution in English, Bihar board class 12th English objective model question.

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